Monday, September 15, 2014

top 40 photos

Yomiuri Shimbun/ Reuters
 1. I picked this photo because I thought it was a really good shot and it makes you feel happy for the little girl.
2. The picture made me focus on the little girl and her blanket because it was right in the middle and naturally my eyes went to look at that.
3. I think this picture made the top 40 because it really shows something happy and it was the perfect shot.

Marc Riboud
 1. I chose this picture because there was so much negativity around but this women placed a flower on one of the guard's bayonets. This eventually became the symbol of the flower power movement.

2. The picture is focused on the main part of it but the rest was kind of blurred out so it really draws more attention to the flower and the women.
3. I think this picture made the top 40 because it shows something positive ( the women placing the flower) when something negative was happening.

Mark Padrew / Reuters 
1. I chose this photo because the koala was so cute and the man was helping the koala and giving it water to drink. 
2. The photographer did a really good job on focusing on the man and the koala. It didn't focus on anything else which made the main subject stand out. 
3. I think this photo made the top 40 because it shows a person helping out an animal. This picture shows and act of kindness. 

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