Wednesday, March 25, 2015

News Values

Timeliness: "Almost Famous"
This article represents timeliness because the article was posted recently and the facts are up to date. This is an example about timeliness because it updates people on an "almost famous" person.

Proximity: "Lineups for SXSW parties coming together" This is an example of proximity because it talks about South by South West which is a really popular festival that happens every year in Austin. This story was in the Austin American Statesman because this even happens in Austin. 

Prominence: "Australian leader Outlines Crackdown on Terrorism"
This article shows prominence because the leader of Austrlia is being more strict on the rules about terrorism and he is planning to stick to his plans. This is important because it talks about what is happening with the new rules.

Impact: "Oscars Extra"
This is an example of impact because the Oscars happened recently. The Oscars give awards to movies that are worth seeing and might interest people. If a movie is really good they will obviously be nominated and possibly win an Oscar.

Conflict: "Document Reveals Growth of Cyberwarfare Between the U.S. and Iran"
This article shows the problems between the U.S and Iran. They are using cyber weapons to spy on each other.

Human Interest: "Fighting is long over, But Western Sahara Still lacks Peace"
This shows human interest because the people in Western Sahara are still trying to get peace. The people living there have found it difficult to get peace.

Novelty: "25 Thoughts New England Students had this winter"
This article is novelty because it is a story you wouldn't usually read and most people might find it funny.

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